Red Flag: Hostile Reaction to Attention Given Others
The last on Kathy Krajco's list of eight red flags of narcissism is: Hostile Reaction to Attention or Credit Given Others And then, of course, we get to the heart of malignant narcissism, Narcissistic Envy. You will notice that, invariably, when anyone is given recognition before the group, a narcissist immediately starts showing dislike for, or animosity toward, that person. Immediately he sets out on a campaign of character assassination. Envy is bitter, an extremely unpleasant emotion. It's normal only when some other party really has robbed us of our due. A narcissist's unnatural envy is so universal and so strong that he cannot even stand being in a place where someone else gets attention. If he cannot keep that from happening, he will find some way to absent himself from the situation -- if only by turning away from others and staring at a corner of the ceiling. What Makes Narcissists Tick , pg. 84 *********************** I elaborated on the centrality of envy in...