More on the Removal of NPD from newest DSM
Because of the length of the following comment to the last post on this blog I'm presenting it on the front page. The comments field is limited in terms of space so I'm putting it here. I'm also putting it here because it deserves front and center placement as a professional opinion on the subject. It provides some important historical background on the DSM that must be factored into this discussion. ******************* As a psychiatrist with personal experience with NPDs, I fully concur with Anna's views that this change in the DSM is essentially a non-event for all the reasons she enumerated. Perhaps some additional information about the DSM may be helpful in fully appreciating some of the reasons for its meretriciousness. (To save some of you from consulting a dictionary, "meretricious" is defined as apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity. I also use this word not unintentionally for its archaic meaning - of, relating to...