Wow! Thank you all...

I just checked my Amazon Associates account and was amazed and humbled, and yes, a bit surprised to see so many of you buying at Amazon through my site! Thanks to all of you who are clicking through my site I have made over $30 so far. Ya'll just pushed me into the 6.5% referral rate this morning when the 31st item was shipped. Probably the person most shocked is my husband. He predicted I might end up with about three nickels to rub together. You all have put a smile on his face too. Thank you, thank you and thank you. I'm feelin' the love.

Sherbie has been posturing in about three dozen completely captivating poses telling me I MUST take pictures of him for your viewing enjoyment. Thing is...the batteries on the camera are kaput, and I haven't been able to get to the store to buy new ones. I discovered this fact when I grabbed the camera to catch the Sherblet in one of his many cute configurations. Sherb apologizes for the ineptness of his human.

Thank you so much for your kindness in shopping through my site. I am more grateful than I can say.


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