Taking a Summer Vacation/Hiatus

It has been settled here at home. It is past time for me to take a vacation. I have been blogging for just under two years now and written the equivalent of a large book. I'm tired and need a break. It has not been easy applying my noggin to the subject of human evil this steadily and intensively and this long.

Summer has started, there is lots to do, life is short and I'm grabbing it by the ... uh, horns. I'm planning to take the whole summer off. My email is still available to courteous, intelligent inquiries. I will respond as I'm able. If you are signed up with Feedburner then you'll always know when the next post comes along without having the hit the front page.

I plan to post a list of the most popular pages of Narcissists Suck in the next few days for the benefit of new peeps who may coast in from their Google searches. If you haven't already, I hope you'll take advantage of the wealth of information in the archives. There is no time stamp or expiration on the value of the information in the archives.

I hope the rest of you are planning to enjoy your summer with family, friends, good books, good thoughts. Life is a gift. In a very real way, the quality of that gift is something you create yourself. We each have the power to make a good life with whatever circumstances we find ourselves in if we are determined to do so. I hope each of you are determined to squeeze every drop out of joy out of the life you've been given and not surrender another second to the narcissists. It is to that end that I have labored. Make me proud.


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